
I was born in San Francisco 4th generation
Author, Professional Speaker & Trainer

Making a List and Checking it Twice!
What Singles need to know!

This is my second book and came about because of the difficulties I had in identifying my ideal relationship. I was raised in the small coastal town of Mendocino. Everyone knew everyone else and it was a gentle community full of support and caring people.

Yet, once out into the real world, I quickly found that all that seems to be real is not always the case. I became a quick study of personalities and behavior tactics. After two marriages that didn’t work out, I developed a rapid fire sequence of questions that would eliminate spending time with someone who was not in alignment with my lfe goals.

The topic of dating and the confusion that surrounds dating seemed to be everywhere. Eventually I began to share my insights and received tremendous interests from others to learn more.

Thus the release of my book

Making a List and Checking it Twice!

What Singles need to know!

I am available for speaking engagements and workshops for the current title as well as many others.

Please feel free to visit my speakers website: sharynabbott to find out more information.

I am always happy to hear from readers!
Please feel free to send me an email or call me with your comments and questions!

1271 Washington Avenue #228 | San Leandro CA 94577(510) 467-3402  Email

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