
It might have even been the beginning of the demise of our relationship. I can’t say for sure. But I do know that no one has the right to dictate to another what he or she can or can’t do. Once they make the decision to do it or not, then the other party is responsible only for their reaction.

I was a year later that we got a divorce and I began taking flying lessons. I was truly traumatized by flying, and especially in small planes, so it took me about a year to solo.

The day that I walked off of the tarmac after taking off and landing that plane by myself, I was a different person. I had conquered my biggest fear and my self-confidence level soared.

People who are self-assured have an air of confidence. They don’t have anything to prove, they just are. If others who do not share their point of view, they are not threatened. They enjoy to vast differences they are exposed to.