Metaphysically Aware: Them: Yes ___ No ___
This is a make-it or break-it arena for my relationships. We are cast into a world of earn more money to pay more taxes to drive further each year to spend less time on the lessons that we chose to come to this earth to learn.
Even though some people are metaphysically aware, it doesn’t mean that they are willing to give up the trappings to live a metaphysically balanced life. When this is an important issue, you will not be able to thrive in your environment unless you retain your beliefs and enact them on a daily basis.
There are just as many people who don’t understand nor care to delve into the world of metaphysics. Fine. Let them find relationships with each other.
We are fortunate enough to live in a time when we do not have to expect to be burned at the stake because we don’t share the same beliefs. There is no one right any more than one may be wrong.
The only dilemma I have is that if I had not be subjected to a circle of friends in the early 70’s who were metaphysical, I wouldn’t have the strong convictions that I do.