
Has Few Possessions:      Them: Yes ___ No ___

This is the flip side! The last relationship I was in was a prime example. He had five boxes that were about half of the size of a typical small moving box. He was very proud of the fact that he didn’t have a lot of possessions.

A few years after I met him, I met a lady that had that same sense of pride when she declared, “I can throw everything I own in my car and be gone in less than an hour!”

Okay, so why is that important? It’s easier to run away than deal with the challenges that might and surely will arise? Indeed, there are many people out there that find it is too painful to maneuver through the process of change. They are not strong enough nor have the strength to endure the discomfort of the challenge of conflict, so “exist stage right!”

If you’re looking for a serious relationship, this is a strong indicator that you will not pin this person down to a commitment. So, don’t try!