
Sun Sign: Them: Yes ___ No ___What’s your sign? Does it matter to you? It does to me. I don’t judge casual acquaintances by their sun sign, but I have found that specific sun or rising signs are better matches for my personality. I am a triple Scorpio. Now that’s intense! Another Scorpio or the opposite side of the Zodiac is an Aires (six months away). I don’t need to explain my thought process to another Scorpio, they understand without an explanation. And an Aires is like a counter balance to my intensity. There are baby souls, new souls, young soulds, mature souls and old souls. Each soul level denotes an individual level of coping with why life has to offer.

There are Enneagrams, Card of Destiny and scores of other resources meant to delve into an explanation as to why we are the way we are.

Whether any of the resources has any validity is in the eye of the beholder. If you believe, it will have merit, if not, obviously it won’t.

What I have learned to appreciate is that with each and every technique, the common denominator is that we can use the information to better understand those around us and not feel as though how they are has any reflection on which we are.